
6 Dhjetor, 2022

As every year, Albanian Swimming Federation organized the championship in the 25 m pool at Stela Sport Center. 6 teams participated in the activity, where the Stella Swimming Academy was declared the absolute champion for adults and youth.

-Senior National Champion (Men)

-National Champion for adults (female)

-National Champion for youth (men)

-National Champion for young women (female)

– The best adult athlete – MARK DUCAJ

– The best athlete for adults – KALTRA MEÇA

– The best young athlete – PAOLO PRISKA

– The best female athlete – KALTRA MEÇA

-18 National records




9 Dhjetor, 2021


A year without Klavio Meça!

The Albanian Swimming Federation organized the activity “Trophy Klavio Meça” in the premises of Te Stela Sport Center.

Family, friends, coaches and swimmers from all over Albania remembered the champion Klavio Meça in tears. He was a symbol of work, sacrifice and good man who will serve all those who practice this sport. Absolute record holder in 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500 meters freestyle. He was also the record holder in the 400 m freestyle at the World Swimming Championships held in Budapest in 2017. The “Trophy Klavio Meça” will be held every year to remember the name of a champion that will never be forgotten.


8 Dhjetor, 2021

Te Stela Resort fiton çmimin e “Turizmit Familjar” në eventin e “Ndarjes së Çmimeve në Industrinë e Turizmit në Ballkan”, BATI 2021

Mirënjohës dhe të motivuar pas çmimit të radhës në Industrinë e Turizmit.

Në datën 2 Dhjetor, në eventin e “Ndarjes së Çmimeve në Industrinë e Turizmit në Ballkan”, BATI 2021 që u zhvillua në Sofje të Bullgarisë, Te Stela Resort fitoi çmimin e “Turizmit Familjar”. Një nder i madh për Te Stela Group që vlerësohet me një tjetër çmim në fushën e turizmit duke na bërë mirënjohës, të gëzuar dhe më të motivuar për të vazhduar rrugën që kemi nisur shumë vite më parë. Jemi të angazhuar që në 2022-in të vazhdojmë të kemi si pikë reference mikpritjen shqiptare: Shtëpia është e Zotit dhe e Mikut!

Falënderojmë Ambasadoren e Shqipërisë në Bullgari, Znj. Donika Hoxha për mikpritjen e ngrohtë, për punën e shkëlqyer për pjesëmarrjen e Shqipërisë në këtë event si edhe për angazhimin e saj për zhvillimin e turizmit ballkanik.

Një falënderim special për të gjithë partnerët, mbështetësit dhe klientët tanë të shumtë që na kanë besuar dhe vazhdojnë të besojnë te resorti ynë.


7 Dhjetor, 2021

Minister of Education and Sports, meeting with the best swimmers at the Te Stela Swimming Academy

The Te Stela Swimming Academy continues to be a reference point in terms of the development and contribution it has made to the development of the sport of swimming. Recently, in this academy a meeting was held between the Minister of Education and Sports, Mrs. Evis Kushi and the best swimmers of Albania where the Swimming Academy at Steka had the largest number of athletes, champions over the years. This meeting was made possible by the Albanian Swimming Federation with Ms. Kushi, who will continue to be in charge of the Department of Education and Sports.

The purpose of this meeting was to support the sport of swimming, encourage children and young people to enter the sport and improve conditions for these athletes. As has already become a tradition, the winter pools of the Te Stela Swimming Academy were selected as the place that meets the conditions and basic criteria for the development of teaching with qualified trainers and instructors over the years and with several years of experience.

Te Stela Swimming Academy will always be maximally committed to give its contribution to the development of swimming in Albania.



24 Nëntor, 2021

Albanian Swimming Championship for Children / Swimming Academy “Te Stela” wins 121 medals

The Albanian Swimming Championship for Children took place at Stela Resort on 13-15 May 2022.

The Te Stela Swimming Academy continues the tradition by being declared absolute champions for men and women. In this championship, the swimmers of our Academy provided:

65 first places

32 second places

24 third places

Also, 9 National Records were recorded, of which 5 team and 4 individual

Arla Dermishi – Best Swimmer for Category B

Evie Asllanaj – The best swimmer for Category C

Albi Deda – The best swimmer for Category C

The tradition continues …


23 Nëntor, 2021

The coach of the Stela Swimming Academy, Sadik Mema is decorated with the title “Grand Master” by the President of the Republic

The coach of the Stela Swimming Academy, Sadik Mema is decorated with the title “Grand Master” by the President of the Republic
Proud to be part of our Swimming Academy one of the best swimming coaches in Albania,Sadik Mema. The former swimming champion who leads the AN Te Stela team, which holds 198 national records in the 25 and 50 meter pools, has been decorated with the title “Grand
Master” by the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta.“The emotion is great because we return to the most beautiful memories of life. Those years when we swam, competed and won races. I have connected life with sport and continue to be a part of it. I thank the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta and the President of FSHN, Mr.Agim Çiraku”, – says among others in his speech the coach Mema in the Special Chronicle
broadcast by RTSH Sport. For more follow the video.