The coach of the Stela Swimming Academy, Sadik Mema is decorated with the title “Grand Master” by the President of the Republic
The coach of the Stela Swimming Academy, Sadik Mema is decorated with the title “Grand Master” by the President of the Republic
The coach of the Stela Swimming Academy, Sadik Mema is decorated with the title “Grand Master” by the President of the Republic
Proud to be part of our Swimming Academy one of the best swimming coaches in Albania,Sadik Mema. The former swimming champion who leads the AN Te Stela team, which holds 198 national records in the 25 and 50 meter pools, has been decorated with the title “Grand
Master” by the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta.“The emotion is great because we return to the most beautiful memories of life. Those years when we swam, competed and won races. I have connected life with sport and continue to be a part of it. I thank the President of the Republic, Mr. Ilir Meta and the President of FSHN, Mr.Agim Çiraku”, – says among others in his speech the coach Mema in the Special Chronicle
broadcast by RTSH Sport. For more follow the video.